Prime Tech

Contact Info

Mbodla, P O bo x 2221, Ingwavuma,3968

(+27) 31 880 3077


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Mbodla, Private Bag X 2221, Ingwavuma, 3968

Our certified Technical Support Team is alwasy at your disposal! No matter the severety of the experienced issue or the task you need assisntace with, we are always here for you!

24x7 Technical Support​

Every ticket that we receive is being initially answered within 10 minutes!​

99% Support Case Resolution

Our experienced Technical Support Team will handle nearly any support case!

SSD Technology for 99.9% Uptime

Our Technical Support replies' aim to provide detailed and concrete information!

How can you reach our Technical Support Team?

Our Technical Support Department is 24/7/365 at your disposal, and to reach us, you can consider a few options!

Ticketing Ticketing System

Fast Responses and easy case tracking!

Our Ticketing System is the primary and most effective method for reaching our Technical Support Team! The Ticketing System should be used for cases that require investigation and more profound knowledge about the experienced issue! Furthermore, our clients will be able to easily track all tickets via the ticketing history provided in our Client Area!

Customer support chat

Instant response for general inquiries and sales question

Our Customer Suppoer Chat service is available for everyone - both for people that have active service with us and people interested in our services. We'll make sure to look into your case in details and if it requires a deep-dive investigation we'll escalate it to our technical staff with the highest priority so we can ensure that it's handled in a very fast and reliable manner.

Customer support Phone

Perfect for general services inquiries and sales question

For all our existing customers, we offer free Customer Support Service by Phone! Our Customer Support crew is on duty from Monday to Friday, US Business hours! For complicated cases and better tracking, we strongly suggest using our Ticketing System Since our Customer Support Service by Phone will be unable to investigate and solve those cases!

What can you expect from our Technical Support Service

The reach of our Technical Support Crew can match only the vastness of deep space!

Website Support Service

The website support service covers basically every non-development website-related issue a client can face!

Domain Support Service

No matter the Domain related issue our clients are experiencing, our Technical Support Fleet will always lend a helping hand!

Email Support

Having email issues? Our Technical Support Crew will take care of those in a timely manner so you can enjoy sending/receiving emails once more!

SSH Support

Interested in operating your Web Hosting Account using SSH? That can sometimes be pretty dangerous! Check with our Technical Support team for all the SSH assistance you might need!

SSL Support

The secure experience of your visitors is more important than anything! We will assist you in any SSL related issue or request!

cPanel Assistance

Are you new to cPanel, or are you experiencing any issue with the offered cPanel features? We will help you out by explaining or handling the task you need!

Technical Support Service that we guarantee!

To ensure the best web hosting service, we guarantee this will be an awesome support experience!